Sister blog to Neon Whispers, entirely devoted to art and doodles...

11 Sept 2012

Wildlife Photography

If you've read the posts on my other blog, Neon Whispers, then you probably already know that I've got a bit of a soft spot for wildlife photography =D I've been lucky enough to spot quite a few little creatures recently and photograph them. 

One of my first bee photos =)

This was taken on holiday in Italy

Taken only last month =)
If you've read my most recent post on Neon Whispers, then you may have seen some photos I took of a dragonfly a couple of days ago.

I also mentioned that I'd stumbled across some caterpillars. Here are a couple more photos of the little guys =)


I hope you liked my photos =) If you want to see more of my art or wildlife photography check out my deviantART page, Neon-Tiger-7.


23 Aug 2012

Seasons Series

Yes i know i haven't posted anything in aages =(

I've been doing a lot of drawing and doodling recently, especially whilst i was at university. Here is a collection of paintings that are loosely based on the seasons:

I used felt pens and biro, as well as a little silver and gold gel pen on the winter one =D Anyway, I Hope you like them and I'll add some more paintings soon =D